I can not believe it has been two months already. It goes extremely quickly. So what have I done this week?
I have done quite a lot actually… Still not enough I think. I still think I can do much more but it is still getting better and better.
So I have watched 11 videos about Digital marketing, 5 videos about how to sell. So 16 videos in total. Maybe you are telling to your self that it is not that much… And you would be 100% right. It is not much at all. Mather fact I would say that it is really poor. BUT! I have also done 2 Google Ads certificates (successfully), started doing 3rd one and I have also started a Google Ads certificate on LinkedIn Learning.

Why have i done what I have done?
So why have I done certificates rather then watch videos on YouTube? Well the explanation is pretty simple actually. As you can see I have been learning Google Ads and digital marketing in general for 2 months now. And I would like to start actually working. I know that it will take few more months to get either job or at least some freelancing work but I want to start preparing now. Because at the end of the day there are only so many videos you can watch. And yeah I can watch videos about the same topic from multiple YouTubers but I do not really see why I would do that. So sooner or later I would actually have to start working. And what do I need to find a job or a freelancing gig? Curriculum vite or portfolio (having both would be the best scenario). And I can not really put “Watching YouTube videos” into my curriculum vite. So that is why.
And yeah yeah I know. Having Google ads certificates in my curriculum vite will not help me that much because everybody has all of the certificates anyway. But it is still better than having just a blank page.
Once again I will not be linking every single video that I have watched because nowadays I have watched pretty much most of the videos about basic/advanced tactics about Google Ads so I do not really have any strategy of watching videos. I just find one that I have not seen and watch that. So I go from watching tutorial about search campaign to shopping campaigns to merchant center to digital marketing in general to optimizing landing pages back to shopping ads and so on.
YouTube Channels I watch to learn:
I have watched a few videos from Sabri Suby.
I have watched a few videos from Grow My Ads.
I have watched a few videos from Dan Lok. These were about selling.
I have watched a few videos from Janny Marc Baker.
I have watched a few videos from The RD Guarantee.
I have watched a few videos from Aaron Young.
And what kind of certificates have I done?
I have done Google Ads Search Certificate, Google Ads Display Certificate and I have started Google Ads AI Shopping Ads certification. I will finish it this week.

And yes! Once again I have messed up little bit. I have also started a course on LinkedIn Learning but I did not know that I had only 24 hour free access to the course so I have not finished it. I still have 1 month free trial for LinkedIn Learning so after I finish Google Ads certificate I might actually sign in and do as much courses as I physically can.

So what is the plan for the future?
Same as it was. Showup every single day. Learn every single day. Try to do as much as possible every single day. But now I will add to this to start doing some practical stuff as well. How? I do not really know just yet. But I will figure it out somehow. Maybe… You will see next week if I have figured it out or not.
See ya! Bye!